01. About Us
Tudom Care bases the supply of its services on its operating ideals and caregiving tenets. Tudom Care contends that in order for services to be successful, they must be founded on solid beliefs, principles, and an awareness of the basic as well as the unique requirements of each person.
Our worldview continuously opposes institutionalized oppression and discrimination against individuals with a learning disability who exhibit extremely difficult behaviors and complex requirements. We provide those individuals a social care and support approach that has certain characteristics that empower people with learning disabilities. While fighting social exclusion in larger society, we put the person first and not the disability.
We are a user-focused service that works to successfully support individuals with very complex needs in the community. Our main goals are to uplift people in a cozy setting and offer person-centered services. It entails learning what the person wants and how to meet their specific requirements, as well as assisting the person in making decisions that are significant to them while making sure their opinions are heard. We empower people to grow their potential talents, competencies, and confidence in their own homes and in their communities.
We want to encourage using a consistent technique while implementing any behavioral strategy or intervention. It is doubtful that lasting behavioral change will be accomplished without this. We will examine the approach and make any necessary revisions in consultation with the specialists involved if it is proving too difficult to implement a strategy consistently.
Tudom care limited is a healthcare staffing agency owwned by Olatoye Akinpelu as a Limited Company.
The business address is:
87 High street, Lee-On-The Solent, po13 9bu
Tel: 023 9431 8410
Email: info@tudomcare.co.uk
Website: www.tudomcare.co.uk
We operate services from the address given above.
The responsible person for the running of this business is Olatoye Akinpelu, who is the director of the company.
Key areas of our work include supporting individuals with severe challenging behaviour, Autistic Spectrum Disorder and profound and multiple learning difficulties with other complex behavioural needs. Emphasis is placed on inclusion in the community for people to ensure that they lead fulfilling lives. We have dealt with people whose complex needs have led to their previous placements failing. However, progress can be made with intense and specialist intervention. Our ethos is about defusing situations where challenging behaviours may exist or a risk of harm to self or others may occur by implementing techniques and approaches that can reduce the intensity of behaviours displayed by clients.
We aim to create a service that empowers our clients to make decisions and retain independence wherever possible. We know the importance of compassionate, respectful care, and we treat every client as an individual, building personalised care packages to meet their needs.
Our team will be made up of skilled, experienced, and qualified staff who understand that it is a privilege to deliver care to our clients in their own home or emergency placement.
02. Why Choose US
On the basis of our experience and the changing demands, Tudom Care offers a wide range of services. All of the services we offer combine a structured and expert approach. All levels of treatment are expertly handled by our experts.
We provide these services for your amenities where you can feel that you are living in a resort.
Tudom Care provides safety and security guarantees so that no one can hurt or prejudice you.
We have staff support available at all times so our clients are always attended to.
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